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The document provides a comprehensive guide on securing Node.js applications by addressing various security vulnerabilities and best practices. It covers topics such as preventing injection attacks, utilizing flat Promise chains for asynchronous code, setting request size limits, avoiding blocking the event loop, input validation, output escaping, application activity logging, monitoring the event loop, protecting against brute-forcing, using anti-CSRF tokens, preventing HTTP Parameter Pollution, avoiding dangerous functions, implementing security headers, handling errors with EventEmitter, setting cookie flags appropriately, avoiding eval(), setTimeout(), and setInterval(), avoiding new Function(), avoiding code serialization, and using a Node.js security linter.

It emphasizes the importance of input validation, output escaping, and proper error handling to mitigate security risks. The document also highlights the significance of setting appropriate security headers, monitoring the event loop workload, and protecting against brute-force attacks. Additionally, it stresses the need to avoid using dangerous functions and modules, as well as the risks associated with code serialization and deserialization.

Furthermore, the document introduces tools like ESLint with eslint-plugin-security to enhance security awareness and detect insecure coding practices. It provides real-world examples, code snippets, and references to external resources for further reading on Node.js security. Overall, the guide aims to help developers strengthen the security posture of their Node.js applications and reduce the risk of successful attacks by following security best practices and implementing appropriate security measures.

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