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Turkish Hackers Target Microsoft SQL Servers with Mimic Ransomware – Source: heimdalsecurity.com

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Source: heimdalsecurity.com – Author: Livia Gyongyoși

Threat actors use AnyDesk to install Mimic ransomware and exploit poorly configured MSSQL database servers.

Security researchers dubbed this ransomware campaign RE#TURGENCE.

Mimic ransomware attacks on MSSQL servers explained

According to security researchers, the attacks followed a series of steps:

Obtain initial access through brute force

After gaining access to the victim`s server, hackers use the xp_cmdshell to run commands.

xp_cmdshell should not be enabled on servers, especially on those that are publicly exposed. Usually, this procedure is disabled by default.

Run PowerShell encoded command

If the xp_cmdshell procedure is available, hackers will run a PowerShell command to download a file (189Jt) from the remote server.

Obfuscated Cobalt Strike payload deployment

To install the Cobalt Strike payload, the attackers use a sequence of PowerShell scripts and in-memory reflection techniques. Their aim is to inject it into the Windows-native process SndVol.exe.

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The next step is to use the command “c:ad.exe  –install c:”program files (x86)” –silent” to install AnyDesk. After adding a new user to the administrators group, hackers collect clear text credentials. They use AnyDesk to:

– download Mimikatz, for exfiltrating credentials

– download Advanced Port Scanner, to explore the network and domain

Hacking other devices

Further on, hackers use Advanced Port Scanner and the credentials obtained through Mimikatz to compromise other endpoints in the network. Thus, they manage to move laterally within the system.

Mimic ransomware deployment

For this step hackers used AnyDesk again, to install Mimic ransomware. Then they located and encrypted the targeted files.

Who`s vulnerable to MSSQL Servers Mimic Ransomware Attacks

The financially motivated Turkish hackers behind the campaign targeted Microsoft SQL servers worldwide. Their victims are businesses based in the European Union, United States and Latin America.

The one thing they all have in common is poor securing of their Microsoft SQL servers.

In this case, there were two main, simple to avoid, issues:

  • Leaving the xp_cmdshell procedure enabled, although hackers can easily use it to run commands on the operating system.

xp_cmdshell is usually disabled by default, according to the evergreen cybersecurity principle „Turn off what you don`t use”.

How to prevent initial access through brute force attacks

To avoid being a victim of the RE#TURGENCE ransomware campaign, follow my best practices against brute force attacks shortlist:

  • Rate-limit login attempts

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Original Post URL: https://heimdalsecurity.com/blog/microsoft-sql-servers-mimic-ransomware/

Category & Tags: Cybersecurity News – Cybersecurity News

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