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Friday Squid Blogging—18th Anniversary Post: New Species of Pygmy Squid Discovered – Source: www.schneier.com

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Source: www.schneier.com – Author: Bruce Schneier

Friday Squid Blogging—18th Anniversary Post: New Species of Pygmy Squid Discovered

They’re Ryukyuan pygmy squid (Idiosepius kijimuna) and Hannan’s pygmy squid (Kodama jujutsu). The second one represents an entire new genus.

As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven’t covered.

And, yes, this is the eighteenth anniversary of Friday Squid Blogging. The first squid post is from January 6, 2006, and I have been posting them weekly since then. Never did I believe there would be so much to write about squid—but the links never seem to end.

Read my blog posting guidelines here.


Posted on January 5, 2024 at 5:05 PM

Sidebar photo of Bruce Schneier by Joe MacInnis.

Original Post URL: https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2024/01/friday-squid-blogging-new-species-of-pygmy-squid-discovered.html

Category & Tags: Uncategorized,squid – Uncategorized,squid

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