Inglis Retires as National Cyber Director Ahead of Biden's Cybersecurity EOThe long-time NSA and cyber specialist says he's exiting the public sector.Read MoreDark ReadingThe long-time NSA...
Day: February 22, 2023
Google Translate Helps BEC Groups Scam Companies in Any Language
Google Translate Helps BEC Groups Scam Companies in Any LanguageBEC gangs Midnight Hedgehog and Mandarin Capybara show how online marketing and translation tools are making it...
Novel Spy Group Targets Telecoms in ‘Precision-Targeted’ Cyberattacks
Novel Spy Group Targets Telecoms in 'Precision-Targeted' CyberattacksThe primary victims so far have been employees of telcos in the Middle East, who were hit with custom...
Check Point Boosts AppSec Focus With CNAPP Enhancements
Check Point Boosts AppSec Focus With CNAPP EnhancementsEstablished network security players are responding to the shift to cloud-native applications, which have exposed more vulnerabilities in open...
Is OWASP at Risk of Irrelevance?
Is OWASP at Risk of Irrelevance?A growing group of OWASP members and board leaders are calling for the AppSec group to make big changes to stay...
How the Economic Downturn Has Affected Security Funding, M&A
How the Economic Downturn Has Affected Security Funding, M&AM&A, Funding, Stock Prices Drop Sharply in the Back Half of 2022 Amid Economic WoesThe cybersecurity industry experienced...
OnDemand | Leveraging a Post-Pandemic IT Security Strategy to Mitigate Security Vendor Fatigue
OnDemand | Leveraging a Post-Pandemic IT Security Strategy to Mitigate Security Vendor FatiguePost ContentRead RSS Syndication
OnDemand | Make Better Cybersecurity Decisions with Trusted Data Analytics
OnDemand | Make Better Cybersecurity Decisions with Trusted Data AnalyticsPost ContentRead RSS Syndication
Cyren Ceases Operations After Financing, Sale Efforts Fail
Cyren Ceases Operations After Financing, Sale Efforts FailLiquidation Comes Three Weeks After Virtually Entire 121-Person Workforce Laid OffCyren plans to cease operations and pursue liquidation after...
La red de bots MyloBot se está extendiendo rápidamente por todo el mundo: infectando más de 50,000 dispositivos al día
La red de bots MyloBot se está extendiendo rápidamente por todo el mundo: infectando más de 50,000 dispositivos al díaUna botnet sofisticada conocida como MyloBot ha...
Israel’s Top Tech University Targeted by DarkBit Ransomware
Israel's Top Tech University Targeted by DarkBit RansomwareAn Israeli university is being blackmailed by hackers. However, they aren't just after money but are looking to send...
Australia Unveils Game Plan to Guard Critical Infrastructure
Australia Unveils Game Plan to Guard Critical InfrastructureNew Risk Management Program to Strengthen Critical Infrastructure ResilienceIn the wake of recent cyberthreats aimed at Australia's critical infrastructure,...
2 Health Data Hacks Affect More Than 1 Million Individuals
2 Health Data Hacks Affect More Than 1 Million IndividualsNew Jersey Healthcare System and Alabama Cardiac Care Clinic Are Notifying PatientsTwo recent separate hacking incidents involving...
Pennsylvania Health System CEO Confirms BlackCat Attack
Pennsylvania Health System CEO Confirms BlackCat AttackPhysician Practices Network Hit by Russian-Backed Group on Heels of National AlertLehigh Valley Health Network, which operates 13 hospitals and...
Nikesh Arora: ChatGPT Best Thing That’s Happened to Security
Nikesh Arora: ChatGPT Best Thing That's Happened to SecurityPalo Alto Networks CEO on How AI Can Help Businesses Make More Sense of Their DataThe revolution ChatGPT...