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H1-702 Las Vegas Day 2: Hacking with Zoom – Source:www.hackerone.com

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Source: www.hackerone.com – Author: jesse@hackerone.com.

Welcome back to our first day of in-person hacking! We had some lovely people greeting you today for your check-in. Again, we want all of our hackers, staff, and guests safe in our time here. So, please break out your negative COVID tests before entry. 

702 checkin

The Swag 

Swag, we can’t ever forget about swag. This might be a recurring theme through the days, but it is something we enjoy handing out to our hackers.

Swag checkin 702

Also, Zoom brought their A-game with their swag! 

swag 702 day 1

This time around HackerOne cooked up something a little more customizable. Our hackers received esports jerseys, but not just any jersey…

Arch with jersey

…their own jersey. Nothing feels better than being at an event and repping your handle!

The Space

We have been enjoying watching everyone hack and collaborate in this space. Under neon lights, our hackers worked diligently to pass through their last bugs for this portion of the event. Long live the #hackerhuddle

Hacker huddle 702

hackers under neon

Speaking of neon… 

neon hacker 1

neon hacker 2

Awards and Bonuses 

It’s going to get crazy with rewards the next few nights! Let’s see who took down tonights events! 

HackerOne Awards: 
1st place: Todayisnew!!!

702 1st place

Second Place: f6x

2nd place 702 day 2

The Exterminator (Most Impactful researcher of the event): rijalrojan

Terminator 702 day 2

Best Collaborator (Collaborated with 20+ people!): Todayisnew

best collaborator

Vigilante (Elected based on Community, Criticality,  & Consistency): try_to_hack!



We will all be back here tomorrow for more in-person hacking! Please check our Instagram and Twitter for constant updates on this event. 

group photo 702 1

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Original Post url: https://www.hackerone.com/blog/h1-702-las-vegas-day-2-hacking-zoom

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